Podcast: How to Achieve LPDP Overseas Scholarship Master Program

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On the Covid-19 pandemic situation, all 7th semester students of IAIN Kudus that is divided into some groups have been doing the internship program (KKN-IK) from home. Every program that compiled by each group must be conducted online. There are a lots of program that have been successfully done such as conducting online seminar, creating a content in social media, conducting online micro teaching and so on. Apart from the programs that have been determined, each group also can compile its own program freely.

There is one interesting program conducted by KKN-IK DR group 68. It was a podcast entitled “How to Achieve LPDP Overseas Scholarship Master Program” that had been uploaded in Tadris Bahasa Inggris Youtube Channel on August 31, 2020. The main speaker in the podcast was the LPDP Awardee who graduated from Monash University Australia, Ana Surjanto, M.TESOL. The podcast was carried out by KKN-IK DR group 68 represented by Alfian R. Maulana as the host. The speaker encouraged the listeners that everyone can achieve the overseas scholarship, everyone has an equal chance in applying scholarship, even though they’re not students from best or famous universities.

“I’m not from UGM or UI or any high class university but I’ve achieved the scholarship. I’m from IAIN Salatiga, so you and your friend have a same chance” said Ana.

The speaker also shared her struggle and experience to apply LPDP scholarship. She explained that students who want to apply the scholarship must do some preparation. First, students must actively seek information about LPDP by following LPDP’s social media or visiting the official site. Then students must have an organization experience and also a good English skill, because in overseas we have to communicate with others at least in English. For some countries, it requires students must master a certain language, for example if we want to go to Saudi Arabia, students must good in Arabic language. Forth, the other preparation is vision and mission why students want to apply the scholarship. That is one of the important requirements. So, students must explain their goal or reason why they want to study overseas clearly in the test, mention it in the essay and the interview also.

Besides discussing about LPDP Overseas Scholarships, the speaker also shared her story when she traveled to some countries in Europe and Asia. She shared her experience when joined conferences that has brought her traveled to Europe and Asia.


Written by Alfian R Maulana

Edited by Auliya Fitriyani

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