How to Improve Your English Language Skills with English Songs
Author : Titin Suharni
English is an international language that will be very useful when studied. There are many English learning methods that can be applied in learning English, one of which is by using songs, western songs are now more interesting to listen to, besides being able to increase vocabulary, they can also train students' listening skills. Considering that listening is the ability of 4 language skills, including writing, reading, speaking and listening which must always be trained, one of them is using songs. Based on Ministerial Regulation No. 22 of 2006 (BSNP, 2006) concerning content standards, learning English in elementary schools is more directed at achieving oral language competence as stated in the objectives of learning English in elementary schools as quoted below. The English subject in SD/MI aims to make students have the following abilities.
- Developing the competence to communicate in limited oral form to accompany the action (language accompanying action) in the school context.
- Have an awareness of the nature and importance of English to improve the nation's competitiveness in a global society.
Music can enrich the spiritual life and provide balance in life for children. Through music, humans can express their thoughts and feelings and can control their emotional aspects. Singing is part of music. Singing serves as a tool to express thoughts and feelings to communicate. In essence, songs for children are as follows:
- Emotion language, where with singing children can express their feelings, feelings of pleasure, humor, admiration, emotion.
- Tone language, because singing can be heard, can be sung, and communicated.
- Motion Language, the movement in singing is reflected in the bars (regular motion/beats), on the rhythm (short, irregular movements/beats), and on the melody (high and low movements). Based on the experience of English teachers and according to linguists as stated by Abdulrahman Al-Faridi, English songs can help teachers to create active, creative and fun learning (Alfaridi, 2006). Singing and music are used as techniques in the process of learning English. Music.
which contains various elements in it can be used as a form of facility to develop children's cognitive abilities. High pitch provides an opportunity for children to train their hearing sensitivity. Changes in rhythm or rhythm.
Some English songs that can be used as English lessons include Taylor Swift with the title song Begin Again, Taylor Swift's songs have a very good storyline, try listening and then understanding the meaning of each word in the lyrics of the song, but if it's difficult to understand, try to keep going. Playing the song in addition to practicing listening skills, understanding the meaning of each word can increase vocabulary. Bryan Adams (I'II be right here waiting for you) this song has a slow tempo so it is suitable for understanding the lyrics of the words one by one, understanding the meaning will increase students' vocabulary.
Here are some ways to improve English skills with songs
- Looking for the right song for learning, the point here is a song that is easy for you to learn
- When the song is playing enjoy the song and sing along
- Reading the lyrics if by listening to the song you can't understand the meaning of the word or the meaning of the word in the song you can search for the lyrics
- Memorizing the lyrics, after listening and reading the lyrics try to memorize the lyrics of the song
- Looking for another song, you don't need to memorize a whole song, you also need to find another song to have a diverse vocabulary, understand every lyric in the song.
Those are some tips or ways to improve English language skills by using songs, actually there are many methods of improving English skills and with this song, this is one of them, the most important thing is that every individual who wants to learn English must study hard, understand every word and increase vocabulary.
BSNP. 2006. Permendiknas RI No. 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: BSNP.
Garryn C. Ranuntu, Golda J. Tulung, Peran lagu dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris tingkat dasar. Jurnal LPPM Bidang EkoSosBudKum Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 Edisi September