TBI Media Team Evaluation: Enhancing Professionalism in Digital Management

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KUDUS – The English Education Department (TBI) of IAIN Kudus conducted the TBI Media Team Performance Evaluation 2022 on Thursday, October 13, 2022. This event was designed to assess the management of TBI’s website and social media platforms and to formulate strategies for improving the media team’s performance. The program featured an expert speaker, Muhammad Arif Al Hakim, M.TESOL., who provided guidance on optimizing digital media management.

In the opening session, Muhammad Arif Al Hakim, M.TESOL., highlighted the importance of regular evaluations in managing digital media. “Evaluation is not just about identifying weaknesses but also about discovering opportunities to make the website and social media more informative and engaging,” he said.

The TBI media team reviewed their achievements over the past year, including content consistency and audience engagement levels. An interactive discussion session followed, addressing challenges such as low social media engagement and irregular website updates. “We acknowledge there’s room for improvement, and this activity provides the perfect opportunity to align the media team’s vision with the department’s needs,” said Nur Fadhila, a team member.

The Head of the TBI Program, Taranindya Zulhi Amalia, M.Pd., concluded the event by expressing appreciation for the media team’s contributions. “We hope this evaluation serves as a starting point to enhance the quality of website and social media management. Going forward, we aim to make TBI’s digital platforms more informative, inspiring, and representative,” she stated. This evaluation is expected to strengthen the digital branding strategy of TBI IAIN Kudus.

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