International Community Service at Integrated Islamic Elementary School Darul Ulum 2 Kudus

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The International Community Service Program by TBI IAIN Kudus was assembled on Wednesday, 31 May 2023, at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School Darul Ulum 2 Kudus. The appearance of Alexis (a volunteer from France) received a warm welcome from the teachers and students. Alexis came with The Chief of the English Education study program IAIN Kudus, Mrs. Taranindya Zulhi Amalia, M.Pd., the companion, and also the English Club supervisors.

The attendance of guests from abroad caused an uproar among the 4th-grade students in the English Club program. It was their first time meeting a foreigner like Alexis. The students looked mesmerized and excited to know that Caucasians from France had visited their classroom. The enthusiasm from the students makes the atmosphere in their class very enjoyable during the activity.

This time, the English Club activity began with a self-introduction by Alexis, such as his name, where he comes from, the number of his siblings, his favorite food, and traditional clothes from where he lives. After that, the students were invited to play and sing together. One of the games presented here is a tongue twister. A tongue twister is a series of words or sentences that have a similar pronunciation to the other word. The students were asked to follow what Mrs. Tara and Alexis said and then repeat it. Apart from that, the students were also taught to rap from the tongue twister sentences. They were also keen to ask Alexis various questions. The class atmosphere became very exciting and fun.

This activity ended up with a group photo session. The students were enthusiastic when taking a photo with Alexis. They scrambled to be around him. It was a funny and heartwarming moment. After the group photo session, the students gave Alexis their farewells. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Alexis,” and “Goodbye~” they shouted. Alexis replied to their salutations with a sweet smile while waving her hand as a parting sign.

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