TBI's Students Win National Awards

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The culture of competition and the spirit of achievement continues to surge in the soul of IAIN Kudus English Education students. Throughout 2022, many students have made achievements at the regional, national, and international levels. Some of these achievements were achieved during the IAIN Kudus national student festival organized by the IAIN Kudus Student Council.

These are traces of the achievements of students in the English Language Education Study Program of IAIN Kudus. The stories will always be eternal in the journey of their beloved alma mater and be a trigger for all active students of the English Language Education Study Program to further skyrocket their achievements in real work.

The following are the names of students who have won national championship awards at the National Students’ Festival held at IAIN Kudus:

Bagus Maulana Yusuf, as the 1st Winner of the National-level Creative Content Competition.

Hazimul Ahzab Fasya, as the 1st Winner of the National Stand-up Comedy Competition.

M Julio Andre, as the 1st Winner of the National Storytelling Competition.

M Afthah Alkharafi, as the 3rd Winner of the National Storytelling Competition.

Intan Dwi Septyana Putri and Elvira Shoidatut Taqiyah as the 3rd Winner of the National English Debate Competition.

Even for some winners, the event became their first experience, it will be the first step for their next future performance. Hopefully, the results obtained can be useful and inspire other students to remain diligent in improving their achievements.

unduh lampiran berita !

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