Podcast Team of EDSA Get 2nd Runner Up in National Competition

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On 19 August 2022, the Podcast team of the English Education Department made another achievement by winning the national Podcast video competition as well as Runner Up 2 places in the Festival Bahasa 2022. This competition is organized by collaboration of English and Arabic language organizations in IAIN Kudus, there are STEC and Al-Izzah. The podcast video competition was participated by 9 universities in Indonesia. The topic of the podcast is “English, Opportunities or Challenge?”. That 6 minutes 12 seconds video give some tips for the viewers on how to practice using the English language through our habits, hobby, and also daily activities, Meanwhile the main topic is about opportunities and challenges that we face during learn English.

The Podcast team consists of Laily Kurniasari, Sherlina Pramudya Pinky, Adinda Alya Az Zahra, and Malikil Hammi. They are students of the English Education Department 2021. The competition has one qualification. Participants of the competition can upload the podcast video on their YouTube channel and collect the link YouTube video on Google Form that has been made by the committee. After collecting their YouTube video link to the committee, the last step they took was waiting for the 3rd top winners to be announced on the WhatsApp group. After the top 3 winners have been announced, they are asked to attend the closing ceremony for the presentation of prizes, trophies, and certificates. Not all qualifying finals are held once like the video podcast competition. Other competitions carry out the final qualifying offline, there is some competitions are held offline such as speech, storytelling, and singing a song for the English language and also khitobah, taqdimul qishoh, ghina’, and munadharah for the Arabic language. The final qualification and closing ceremony will be held on the same day, August 19 on the 4th floor of the IAIN Kudus library building. All contestants must take part in the final qualification. The final started at 7 am and continued with the closing ceremony and then closed with a workshop with some interesting guest speakers.

Furthermore, Laily Kurniasari, one of the podcast team who is currently still in the third (3) semester of the English Education Department study program, admitted that she was very grateful for this achievement. And for her, this was her first achievement at the national level in the field of podcast video. And she hopes their (podcast video team) enthusiasm can continue to be developed in some events and competitions which can inspire and be useful for them as well as other English Education Department students.

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