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It doesn't feel like EDSA (English Department Student Association) has been running for 4 years. In these 4 years, this organization was formed and carried out its work program. EDSA itself was formed in 2018 and is continuing today. It is still relatively new because the English education study program has just been formed at IAIN Kudus. However, even though it is a new study program, don't get me wrong, IAIN Kudus's English education study program has graduated many young people who have excelled, talented, and they also graduated on time.

Step by step, year after year, the EDSA Organization is growing. The EDSA organization itself is a student association under the English education study program. Our job is to help students in the study program. Many work programs have been implemented. With togetherness and kinship in the organization, EDSA has entered its 4th year this year. Following the theme of EDSA's birthday this year, namely togetherness brings harmony.

On April 15, 2022, the English Department Student Association celebrated its 4th anniversary which coincided with the month of Ramadan 1443 H. Carrying the theme of togetherness brings harmony, EDSA proudly celebrates its 4th anniversary by holding a donation event and breaking the fast with orphans. With full hope the 4th birthday brings blessings to the organization, and also want to share in the month full of blessings. By inviting dozens of orphans around the IAIN KUDUS campus to be more precise, EDSA held an iftar event and provided donations, while having fun and entertaining the children.

  • The event at that time was carried out before breaking the fast, starting with a cone-cutting ceremony, then followed by remarks by Mrs. Alfu nikmah, Mr. Nuskhan Abid, and did not forget to invite the village head of Ngembalrejo, Mr. Mohammad Zakaria. Followed by breaking fast with the children, it's nice to see them smiling. Not to forget to animate the splendor of this birthday, at the end of the event there was also acoustic music entertainment that accompanied the children to break their fast. After the end of the event, each child was given a small amount of compensation, it is hoped that what is obtained will be a blessing and benefit. With the smooth running of this 4th-anniversary event, EDSA hopes that in the future it will be more successful and continue to produce young people who are beneficial to many people.
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