TBI Consortium on Academic Writing: Introduction Series 2021 (The third series) to Enlight Students with the Vision and Aims of TBI

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Author : Muhammad Julio Andre

TBI News - In order to equip students in the field of writing, lecturers of English Education Department IAIN Kudus hold an Academic Writing Consortium which discusses Introductons in a scientific article. The event which was held on April 22, 2021 through a zoom meeting was attended by various English Education Department lecturers and other IAIN Kudus lecturers. At this consortium, Mrs. Anisah Setyaningrum, M.Pd, who is a lecturer of English Education Department IAIN Kudus as the moderator and the speaker was delivered by Mrs. Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd. who is a lecturer at English Education Department IAIN Kudus.

According to the chief of the English Education Department, Mrs. Alfu Nikmah, M.Pd., that this event aims to provide information to students about how to write good and correct articles in line with the vision and aims of TBI and hopefully the consortium like this will continue in a sustainable manner with next series. This consortium is compulsory for 8th semester students, however, it is possible for semesters 2, 4 and 6 to join this consortium. This is evidenced by the large number of enthusiastic English Education Department students who joined this consortium, approximately 140 students who joined to add insight for preparing a thesis or a competition.

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