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Kudus, December 20, 2022, the Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Kudus has carried out the opening in an event, namely the “International Partnership with the College of Education - Iligan Institute of Technology Philippines; Strengthening Cross-Country Cooperation in Research, Community Service and Education.”

The opening ceremony of the event, which involved two educational institutions, was held starting at 8 AM in the meeting hall of the IAIN Kudus rectorate building. It begins with singing the national anthems of the two countries, namely Indonesia Raya from Indonesia and Lupang Hinirang, the national anthem of the Philippines. Furthermore, a dance team of Science students of IAIN Kudus also presented one of Java's traditional dances, which is usually performed to welcome guests, namely the “Sesonderan” dance from East Java. There is another uniqueness from the traditional dance that the students of IAIN Kudus performed to welcome guests yesterday. This type of traditional dance combines the movements of the shawl and jaipongan, which are so interesting.

This collaborative activity which involves an international level, aims to strengthen collaboration between countries, namely Indonesia and the Philippines, in matters of education, research, and community service. Dr. H. Kisbiyanto S. Ag, M. Pd as vice-chancellor III of IAIN Kudus, conveyed in his opening speech a warm greeting for the arrival of Mrs. Rica and Mrs. Monera as a representative from MSU - IIT Philippines at that time who attended the opening of the international partnership at IAIN Kudus.

This international collaboration has been established and formed since the first half of 2021 and this activity was closed by giving gifts from the State Islamic Institute of Kudus to the MSU - IIT and also the presentation of reports on collaborative activities that Mr. Muhamad Imaduddin, M. Pd from IAIN Kudus had carried out.

Asking for the best for the implementation of good and positive activities by forming international collaborations like this involving 2 countries and educational institutions that are both good, hopefully, they can always have a positive impact on education, research, and community service as the goals agreed upon in this activity, especially to State Islamic Institute of Kudus, UNIMUS and MSU – IIT.

Kudus, December 20, 2022, the Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Kudus has carried out the opening in an event, namely the “International Partnership with the College of Education - Iligan Institute of Technology Philippines; Strengthening Cross-Country Cooperation in Research, Community Service and Education.”

The opening ceremony of the event, which involved two educational institutions, was held starting at 8 AM in the meeting hall of the IAIN Kudus rectorate building. It begins with singing the national anthems of the two countries, namely Indonesia Raya from Indonesia and Lupang Hinirang, the national anthem of the Philippines. Furthermore, a dance team of Science students of IAIN Kudus also presented one of Java's traditional dances, which is usually performed to welcome guests, namely the “Sesonderan” dance from East Java. There is another uniqueness from the traditional dance that the students of IAIN Kudus performed to welcome guests yesterday. This type of traditional dance combines the movements of the shawl and jaipongan, which are so interesting.

This collaborative activity which involves an international level, aims to strengthen collaboration between countries, namely Indonesia and the Philippines, in matters of education, research, and community service. Dr. H. Kisbiyanto S. Ag, M. Pd as vice-chancellor III of IAIN Kudus, conveyed in his opening speech a warm greeting for the arrival of Mrs. Rica and Mrs. Monera as a representative from MSU - IIT Philippines at that time who attended the opening of the international partnership at IAIN Kudus.

This international collaboration has been established and formed since the first half of 2021 and this activity was closed by giving gifts from the State Islamic Institute of Kudus to the MSU - IIT and also the presentation of reports on collaborative activities that Mr. Muhamad Imaduddin, M. Pd from IAIN Kudus had carried out.

Asking for the best for the implementation of good and positive activities by forming international collaborations like this involving 2 countries and educational institutions that are both good, hopefully, they can always have a positive impact on education, research, and community service as the goals agreed upon in this activity, especially to State Islamic Institute of Kudus, UNIMUS and MSU – IIT.

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